Pluto in 2nd house natal, synastry and transit

Pluto in 2nd house wealth
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Pluto in 2nd house

Pluto in 2nd house on a birth chart indicates a strong need for transformation related to one’s financial situation, wealth, possessions, skills, values, and self-worth. This placement in the birth chart can suggest that a person’s understanding of money and possessions may be somewhat deficient or flawed. It can also signify a general ambiguity about values, with Pluto eventually forcing a reevaluation and reconstruction of this area of life.

Pluto in the second house can also symbolize a person’s practical abilities needed to sustain their own life. One example of Pluto’s transformative power could be that a person ends up living alone in a foreign country, without knowing the language or culture. In this situation, they must dig deep within themselves to find the hidden (Pluto) resources (2nd house) to manage their daily life and take care of themselves without external support.

Challenges of Pluto in 2nd house

  1. Low self-esteem
  2. Indifference or a weak sense of important values
  3. Lack of confidence in one’s abilities
  4. An excessive emphasis on money and possessions
  5. Tendency towards gambling
  6. Using power and position to pressure others
  7. Inability to let go of possessions
  8. Fear of poverty
  9. Power struggles related to possessions and values

Gifts of Pluto in 2nd house

Pluto doesn’t accept anything shallow or superficial, and the required changes and transformations can be profound and intense. Where Pluto influences, there is also power, and in the case of Pluto in the second house, a person can find tremendous potential in their own abilities if they dare to dig deep enough.

Well-developed Pluto in the second house can symbolize:

  1. Fearless attitude towards life
  2. Strong confidence in one’s abilities and skills
  3. Developed ability to earn money and produce things (e.g., farming, craftsmanship, business management)
  4. The ability to see hidden aspects where others may not look
  5. Significant internal and external resources

The second house also partially describes how we earn our livelihood. Pluto in the second house in this sense can refer to various aspects such as psychology, mining, sex, death, and so on. The strength of Pluto in the second house can also be reflected in the amount of possessions one has, and some blessed with wealth and resources indeed have this placement (e.g., Bill Gates, Arnold Schwarzenegger, United States).

Pluto transiting second house

Pluto moves slowly, and changes develop gradually over the years. When Pluto is involved, it often feels like nothing is happening for a long time, until suddenly, “old wounds” are reopened unexpectedly. The reopening of old wounds is due to the fact that Pluto believes that some issues have not been fully resolved.

A Pluto transit in the second house is related to the themes mentioned in the birth chart but has a shorter-term impact. One traditional example is a person who, in the early stages of the transit, loses their possessions (or something they highly value). As a result, they may become depressed and feel that life has no meaning, and that life can no longer offer them anything. In the later stages of the transit, if they have done their work, they may have discovered new “hidden” aspects of life that they hadn’t noticed before. Their value system may have undergone significant changes, and ultimately, they may realize that their initial attachment was not as important as they thought.

Another example could be a situation where a person faces intense pressure and has to let go of their possessions (2nd house) due to debts (8th house). This scenario may occur especially when Pluto makes an opposition to planets in the 8th house.

Pluto in 2nd house synastry

Couple fighting Pluto in 2nd house synastry

In the context of a Synastry chart, when Pluto is in the partner’s second house, it can manifest as a dominating attitude of the Pluto person towards the partner’s use of money and possessions. In a romantic relationship, this may lead to a situation where one partner stays at home to take care of the children while the Pluto person earns the family’s money and uses this financial power to dictate how the money is spent. A positive manifestation of this same theme could be a situation where one partner contributes significantly (Pluto) to the family’s finances, and it is shared fairly.

Pluto in the partner’s second house can also help the individual in the partner’s house confront self-esteem issues and find ways to heal them. In some cases, the Pluto person may act as a “therapist” for the partner, especially if the partner’s natal chart shows problematic emphasis on second house issues (such as self-esteem issues). If the Pluto person does not act constructively, they may contribute to a ruthless decline in the partner’s self-esteem due to their own issues. In such a case, the healing of the second house person can occur by recognizing the harmful behavior of the Pluto person and understanding why they allow themselves to be treated this way. Ultimately, the second house person may either break free from the toxic relationship or work on repairing it, perhaps with the help of a couples therapist.

If negative behavior from the Pluto person in the partner’s second house is observed, it is always worthwhile to examine one’s own natal chart and look for any indications of challenging aspects in the second house, Venus, or Taurus. This is because other people and relationships often come into our lives to represent a specific energy that needs development within ourselves. This is why it sometimes happens that a particular person irritates another person, and the latter may not even realize what is bothering them about that person’s behavior.


In conclusion, Pluto in 2nd house represents significant power, transformation, underlying issues, and control. Wherever Pluto is present, a person must confront uncomfortable truths and eliminate harmful elements. This leads to personal growth and rebuilding things in a way that serves development better. Pluto’s force helps a person delve into and overcome things that might not otherwise be possible. The change demanded by Pluto is absolute, and it is advisable for a person to accept and submit to it for their own sake. Otherwise, Pluto’s required change may manifest more as a crisis than as a controlled healing process. But easier said than done.

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