
I am a professional astrologer, working full-time interpreting natal charts and conducting relationship analyses. Through my work, I have clearly seen how astrological compatibilities and challenges manifest in relationships. Often, the themes that partners bring into their relationships can already be spotted in their individual birth charts, suggesting that relationships often mirror our own issues.

I started this blog as a way to share my observations, experiences, and thoughts on astrology, drawing from both practical work and theoretical understanding. I often reflect on various subjects, with astrology and its practical validation being a central interest. Mere theory isn’t enough for me; I’m driven to see and confirm how these theories play out in real life, a curiosity surely influenced by my Virgo ascendant.

Having practiced astrology actively for over 20 years, it has become an integral part of my daily life in various forms. Considering behavior—both my own and others’—through the lens of astrology offers new insights. Synastry charts, in particular, pose the intriguing question: “Why am I in a relationship with this person?” Often, the answer lies in our own charts, indicating areas we are meant to develop in this lifetime.

I view astrology primarily as a tool for self-awareness and personal growth. In this context, the natal chart is crucial, and I emphasize its importance. Also, in my work with couples and other relationships, I have noted the significance of synastry and composite charts, which can reveal new insights about one’s own chart and attitudes.

Astrology is as much about understanding psychology and human nature as it is about the influences of specific planets or house archetypes. Over time and with experience, new insights into familiar aspects and configurations emerge.

I am eager to hear from readers about their comments and personal experiences with various astrological configurations. Please feel free to leave comments on the posts or reach out to me via the contact form.
