Mars in 12th house synastry

Mars in 12th house synastry

The Mars in 12th house synastry configuration is multifaceted and generally challenging. The 12th house is associated with the subconscious mind, so when a our partner’s planets are placed here, they can have a direct influence on us, whether we are aware of it or not. It symbolizes things we may not want to see or acknowledge in our partner, even if it’s obvious to others. If a relationship is somehow emphasized in the 12th house, it always requires thorough psychological examination and work to function properly.

Concealing aggression

In this configuration, aggression can be hidden from the partner, and it can occur unconsciously or consciously. Concealment may result from the Mars person’s conscious decision to hide their aggression, which could stem from fear of the consequences of expressing it. Suppressing Mars energy may also be unconscious, where the individual may simply have never learned to express or even understand that aspect of themselves. In this case, the suppressed Mars is likely evident also in the individual’s natal chart. Fate has thus brought this partner to act as a mirror, allowing the individual to become aware of their own shortcomings through this relationship.

Mars in 12th house synastry suppressed anger

In some cases, it may be the house person’s reluctance and inability to see and acknowledge the aggressiveness of the Mars person. In such instances, the house partner may unrealistically idealize their partner and allow them, for example, to use unreasonable and inappropriate aggression. The house person may possibly have their own issues with expressing direct Mars energy and therefore turns a blind eye to their partner as well. Over time, however, this unhealthy behavior begins to cause suffering for the house person, and they should confront and delve into their own inner feelings.

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Mars in 12th house synastry independence

One characteristic of Mars is independence, so this synastry configuration can also manifest as the Mars person’s inability to act independently and according to their own decisions when they are in the presence of the house person. They may be quite independent in the company of others (or the lack of independence just doesn’t manifest with others), but with this particular partner, their own will cannot flourish. Some vague influence from the partner causes the raw Mars energy to dull and wither away.

The influence of the Mars in 12th house synastry configuration can also be seen in the house person’s reluctance to acknowledge the partner’s independence and self-reliance due to their own unconscious issues. This configuration can manifest in a classic manner resembling a strong parent-child dynamic. For example, a mother may not want to acknowledge the steps of a young person becoming independent and taking charge of their own life. The mother may find plenty of reasons why the child shouldn’t move to a different city for studies or anything similar. In extreme cases (Pluto-Mars), the mother may outrightly refuse the child’s independent decisions altogether.

Activities and Initiatives

The actions and activities of the Mars person may be of a nature that is not visible to the house person clearly. There can be several different reasons for this. For instance, the Mars person may simply not be naturally open, or perhaps the house person is not interested in what the partner is up to. The actual reason is irrelevant, but what matters is that the partner’s initiative and various activities may not come properly to the house person’s awareness. For example, the Mars partner’s work may be a task that is difficult for the house person to grasp or completely concealed.

Mars in 12th house synastry sexuality

Mars in 12th house synastry sexual problems

Mars represents sexual power, and when it is in the partner’s 12th house, this aspect of the person may not fully come to light. In an intimate relationship, this can be problematic. For example, the house partner may be unaware of the Mars partner’s true sexual preferences. There can be many reasons for this, of course. It could be that the Mars individual has difficulty expressing their own sexuality freely and therefore does not want to disclose them to the partner. On the other hand, the house person may not want to admit or accept their partner’s different sexual appetite. This is an opportunity for spiritual growth, as one of the themes of the 12th house is acceptance. With our partner’s Mars being there, we should learn to accept them as they truly are, and at the same time, grow ourselves as individuals.

Awareness of the 12th house

If the house partner becomes aware of their own subconscious motives, they can ultimately understand and accept the needs for autonomy and will of their partner. Also the Mars individual must realize that they have an exceptionally direct influence on the subconscious of another person. This influence requires great sensitivity and understanding so that the individual of the house does not feel offended or abandoned. However, the Mars individual also has the opportunity to be a significant support in difficult emotions and situations for the house partner.

If both parties in the relationship can fulfill their roles, they both learn an important lesson. The house partner has thus been able to understand themselves in a new way, and the Mars individual has learned a more sensitive and holistic approach to others. This opens up the possibility for even deeper emotional fulfillment in the relationship.

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4 thoughts on “Mars in 12th house synastry”

  1. Michael says:

    I have Mars in my spouse’s 12th house and I do find similarities. For example, I don’t want to argue, I’d rather be quiet. In my own mind, I do get angry though 🙂

    1. Michelle says:

      Micheal, did you have an awkwardness with becoming physically intimate with your spouse initially?, hope I don’t offend with such a personal question.

      1. Michael says:

        Hi Michelle,

        Actually, at first, I was confident and straightforward with intimate stuff (I have Mars in Aries in my natal chart 😉 ). But my partner wasn’t as eager and was rather dismissive, which made me feel insecure. You could say that over time, being intimate with my partner has indeed become awkward. And frustrated.

        Do you have similar experiences or any thoughts on this?

        1. Michelle says:

          His mars (Capricorn) landed in my 12🥴 and we have been seeing each other for over three months…he hasn’t attempted ANY physical affection.

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