Mars in 2nd house synastry couple with money

Mars in 2nd house synastry

When the individual’s will and identity awaken in the first house, in the second house, individuality continues to develop and turns inward. Growing human being begins to perceive more precisely what they are; what they possess, what their talents and values are, as well as what brings security in their life and what does not. Money (but not always, of course) is often a concrete means through which people seek security and through which other values of life can be realized. Acquiring money requires sufficient abilities and skills that also belong to the realm of the 2nd house.

The individual’s body is also part of the 2nd house as one’s own possession, so the physical dimension is strongly present. The natural sign of the second house is Taurus, with the ruling planet being Venus. The phrase “I have” aptly describes the second house.

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Money and Possessions

In a synastry chart, the Mars individual may be particularly interested in the house individual’s wealth and possessions. They may, for example, straightforwardly offer their own suggestions on how money should be used. If the couple shares finances, the Mars individual typically wants to make decisions about family finances. Depending on the house partner’s own relationship with money matters, the other person’s excessive activity can lead to various disputes. On the other hand, Mars can also bring positive action if the house individual’s own attitude towards possessions has been lacking sufficient effort.

Mars aspects greatly influence the approach. For example, if the house individual’s Jupiter makes a harmonious (trine, sextile) aspect to Mars, the house individual may welcome and even support the Mars individual’s ideas regarding acquisitions and purchases. In this combination, the couple can increasingly inspire each other, and collecting possessions can even become a pleasant shared hobby. This aspect is also excellent for a joint venture or business relationship.

On the other hand, if the house individual’s Pluto is opposite the partner’s Mars, the house individual may remain silent and acquiesce to the partner’s demands regarding money usage, bottling up energy inwardly and simmering with quiet rage. Alternatively, this aspect can behave in the opposite way. The house individual’s Pluto may instead deny all of the Mars individual’s efforts and desires, leading to an equally tense situation. And the disputes over money continue.

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Talents and Ways to Earn Money

Talents and way to earn money

The second house not only indicates the current status of possessions but also the individual’s attitude toward acquiring new possessions and resources. Thus, the Mars individual may want the house individual to earn more in their career, make more effort, and generally progress in their profession, hobby, or other important areas to them. The Mars partner may identify and highlight the partner’s talents and skills, and support them in using them more effectively in their work or elsewhere in life. In this case, a joint venture may well be considered, where the Mars individual acts, for example, as a manager for the house individual, or in other ways encourages them to utilize their strengths more effectively.

However, the Mars individual’s energy may sometimes feel like too much pressure to the house individual. If the house individual feels they cannot or do not want to invest more effort, this can naturally cause friction between the partners. In such cases, it would be beneficial for the Mars individual to use their extra energy to develop new ways to help the house individual perform better, rather than selfishly pressuring them. Frustration, otherwise, is a risk for the Mars individual.

Self-Esteem and Basic Security

In the second house, basic security is sought through one’s own abilities and resources, thus closely related to a person’s self-esteem. When expressed negatively, the Mars partner may, with selfish demands, undermine the partner’s values and desires destabilizing their basic security. Mars does not operate here as critically as Saturn does, but the house individual may still perceive the actions of the Mars individual more negatively than positively, causing harm instead of activation.

In a positive sense, Mars can encourage their partner to trust in their own abilities more through their own courageous example, prompting the partner to attempt more and thereby strengthen their self-esteem.

Physicality is often strongly present in the 2nd house, and the Mars individual may be attracted to the physical appearance and attributes of the house individual. This, in turn, is likely to boost the house individual’s self-worth and self-esteem. As Mars also traditionally represents the male ideal in a woman’s chart, admiration can work in reverse; a woman may see in a man the masculine qualities she values. The Mars partner can also act as an executive force in the house partner’s physical fitness, encouraging and ensuring the implementation of their workout program.

Comfort, Desire, and Pleasure

Mars in 2nd house synastry physical attraction

As the natural domain of Taurus, in an intimate relationship, the couple can greatly enjoy shared physical pleasures. Sexuality can appear strong. Of course, this is always influenced by Mars’ aspects to other planets. For example, a Mars opposite Saturn on the chart would otherwise make this passionately synastry placement difficult to realize. A Mercury-Mars conjunction can add intellectualism to shared hobbies and pleasures, allowing the couple to eagerly exchange thoughts on books, movies, or even sex.

Because Taurus generally seeks a comfortable and stable space, in this relationship, attention can also be paid to aesthetically pleasing surroundings, good food by candlelight, or shared relaxing vacations.

What we value in life is what we pursue and desire in life. Thus, planets placed in the second house (and the house cusp sign) represent these matters. Mars in 2nd house synastry chart can thus manifest as a desire for courage, competition, or sexual interaction. In a synastry chart, this can be a very passionate setup, with the house individual finding Mars highly attractive, even if there are no other indications of a passionate relationship in the shared synastry chart.

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