Mars opposite Pluto synastry

Intense couple in Mars opposite Pluto synastry
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The hottest and most intense planets together. And in the challenging Mars opposite Pluto synastry aspect. How does this dynamic appear in a relationship’s synastry chart?

Power struggles

Since this is a non-harmonious aspect, Mars opposite Pluto in a synastry chart can bring intense power struggles where neither party easily backs down. The Pluto individual likely holds more within, making it appear on the surface that they are at a disadvantage. However, this is a deception because when the volcano (Pluto) erupts, the consequences are severe and far-reaching. In an opposition aspect, there is more opposition between the individuals compared to the square aspect, where the friction is somewhat “internal.”

In the relationship, the Pluto person probably wants more control and to highlight the weaknesses of the other. Their perspectives are likely accurate concerning the Mars person, but unless the Pluto individual carefully considers how they present their issues, it can lead to bitterness and anger rather than a profound emotional connection.

If the parties in the relationship don’t find a balance in how these energies manifest, this aspect can also work in an unpleasant way. Manipulation, submission, and even violence can occur in the relationship. For some reason, the parties trigger each other, and this strong energy needs to be released constructively in some way.

Powerful sexual attraction and desire

Mars represents sexuality among other things. When you add Pluto to the mix, it makes Mars even more intense, profound, and probing. This configuration is known in both the natal chart and the synastry chart to work wonders for sexual desire and, in general, energy and assertiveness. Partners’ sexuality becomes highly intimate, and with this configuration, they delve into taboos and beyond. Through this relationship, the parties can discover entirely new aspects of their sexuality which they can carry into future relationships as well. This is one example of Pluto’s deep and transformative impact on an individual.

Courage to confront difficult issues

Courage Pluto opposite Mars synatry

Because Pluto’s energy naturally delves deep into the psyche, in this relationship, it is possible for the parties to confront difficult, painful issues within themselves and together. To achieve the best possible functioning of the relationship, the parties should be as honest and truthful as possible in their feelings and thoughts. Since this is a opposition aspect, this doesn’t happen naturally but requires conscious effort and intense emotions. However, this is essential in this relationship, and it will wither without the exposure of these emotions. Additionally, if the Pluto-Mars energy is repressed, it will find a way to manifest itself, perhaps as passive-aggressiveness, power struggles, or direct outbursts of anger.

Mars opposite Pluto synastry gifts

  • Genuine authenticity in feelings and actions
  • Courage and the opportunity to confront one’s own issues
  • Highly intense and emotional sex
  • Fearless fighters

Mars opposite Pluto synastry challenges

  • Power struggles in the relationship
  • An all-or-nothing attitude
  • Passive-aggressiveness
  • Violent outbursts of anger if emotions are repressed
  • Cruelty

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