Neptune in Astrology

Neptune in Astrology

Neptune in astrology represents the ideal. It is the force within us that inspires dreaming of something better. Neptune encourages us to think beyond the normal and the ordinary, even so far that there may not necessarily be any comparisons to the past. Manifested thoughts and imaginations can also be entirely unrealistic or surreal. Indeed, Neptune is associated with dreams, hallucinations, and drugs. Neptune’s zodiac sign is Pisces, and it rules the 12th house.

Selfless love, acceptance, and equality

While Venus embodies a more earthly version of love and harmony, Neptune resonates on a higher frequency of these themes. Neptune represents universal, selfless love, and acceptance. Neptune sees all beings as equal, with no one being better than another. Without the influence of Neptune, we might become too rigid and cold. Neptune’s energy encourages forgiveness and acceptance of others (and ourselves) just as they are.

It’s important to note that while Neptune represents perpetually forgiving and accepting energy, there’s a risk of “Neptune individuals” being consciously taken advantage of by others, always relying on their never-ending forgiveness. Individuals should balance this with a healthy dose of common sense and boundaries, represented by Saturn energy. Indeed, Saturn should set clear boundaries and demands, while Neptune simultaneously forgives. This dynamic also reflects how a parent nurtures a child; a mother always forgives her child’s actions but firmly sets boundaries on what the child can and cannot do.

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Artistry and imagination

Neptune’s energy also symbolizes artistry, vision, and imagination. If Neptune is prominent in a chart, such as on the Ascendant, it often indicates a strong artistic inclination and self-expression in life. With the Moon in aspect to Neptune, imagination is strong, and under difficult aspects, there may be a tendency to prefer dwelling in fantasies rather than everyday routines.

Subconscious, unconscious, and dreams

Ocean of consciousness Neptune in Astrology

Neptune’s house is the 12th, which governs the individual’s subconscious, unconscious, and dreams. Similarly, Neptune’s placement in a birth chart (or transit) describes the area that doesn’t manifest clearly and concretely to the individual himself. For instance, Neptune in 4th house could indicate a person whose childhood feels like a collection of vague memories, difficult to recall at all. Perhaps their early home lacked supportive routines for normal growth. The atmosphere may also have been threatening, causing the child to withdraw into their internal imagination and dream world, resulting in incomplete attachment to everyday life.

There are also things an individual is entirely unaware of, yet they may influence them indirectly through the subconscious. These suppressed matters may surface in dreams or as vague feelings during the day. If these suppressed issues are significant, a person might attempt to escape distressing emotions with substances, also within Neptune’s domain.

Spiritualism and the supernatural

Neptune’s mysticism extends beyond the subconscious and dreams; it’s also linked to supernatural abilities and phenomena. People with Neptune emphasized in their charts often experience mystical and inexplicable events in their lives. Even without personal supernatural experiences, Neptune individuals commonly hold a belief in things “beyond the veil.” Neptune’s mystical influence can be understood as allowing the free flow of consciousness into the environment, enabling, for example, the sensing of others’ thoughts. This kind of phenomenon could possibly manifest in a Mercury-Neptune combination.

Escapism, deception, and lack of concreteness

Neptune’s negative manifestations become more apparent in challenging aspects. For example, tendencies toward excessive trust, victimization, and deceit, both towards oneself and others. Neptune’s idealizing energy can overshadow hard facts, leading individuals to sometimes refuse to see the truth in people and situations. For example, loved ones might behave unfairly, yet the individual refuses to acknowledge it.

However, Neptune isn’t intentionally misleading. The desire to transcend harsh reality can sometimes be too alluring. And there’s nothing inherently wrong with dreaming; quite the opposite. Without the ability to dream, humans wouldn’t have progressed as far as they have. Neptune and Pisces just need enough concreteness and boundaries alongside them to manifest their envisioned ideals.

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